Phục hồi nhựa đen ôtô, xe máy chính hãng 3M Bondo (USA)

01:45 - 28/10/2014

Sản phẩm Bondo USA ( Restore Black ) chuyên dùng để phục hồi phần nhựa đen sần đã bị bạc màu, lão hóa- mốc trắng do các nhân tố bên ngoài tác động<br />Thực hiện nhanh chóng và hiệu quả, không cần tháo gỡ chi tiết nhựa ( đối với những chi tiết nhựa

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<h3>Phục hồi nhựa đen &ocirc;t&ocirc; , xe m&aacute;y ch&iacute;nh h&atilde;ng 3M Bondo (USA)</h3><p>-Sản phẩm Bondo USA ( Restore Black ) chuy&ecirc;n d&ugrave;ng để phục hồi phần nhựa đen sần đ&atilde; bị bạc m&agrave;u, l&atilde;o h&oacute;a- mốc trắng do c&aacute;c nh&acirc;n tố b&ecirc;n ngo&agrave;i t&aacute;c động<br />-Thực hiện nhanh ch&oacute;ng v&agrave; hiệu quả, kh&ocirc;ng cần th&aacute;o gỡ chi tiết nhựa ( đối với những chi tiết nhựa bị l&atilde;o ho&aacute;, mốc trắng th&igrave; chỉ cần đ&aacute;nh sạch lớp bề mặt l&agrave; c&oacute; thể tiến h&agrave;nh phục hồi )<br />-M&agrave;u đen thấm s&acirc;u, nhanh kh&ocirc; ( sau 10 ph&uacute;t,ho&agrave;n to&agrave;n ổn định sau 24h ) kh&ocirc;ng bị bong tr&oacute;c&nbsp;<br /><br /><strong><a href=""><span style="color:#FF0000">Đức Th&agrave;nh Shop</span></a><br />Add: 247A/36 Huỳnh Văn B&aacute;nh F.12 Q.Ph&uacute; Nhuận Tp. HCM |&nbsp;<br /> |&nbsp;<br />Điện thoại: 0933 444 177</strong><br /><br /><br /><strong><strong><strong><img alt="" src="" style="border:0px; box-sizing:border-box; font-family:inherit; font-stretch:inherit; font-style:inherit; font-variant:inherit; font-weight:inherit; height:auto; line-height:inherit; margin:4px 0px 17px; max-width:100%; padding:0px; vertical-align:middle" /><img alt="" src="" style="border:0px; box-sizing:border-box; font-family:inherit; font-stretch:inherit; font-style:inherit; font-variant:inherit; font-weight:inherit; height:auto; line-height:inherit; margin:4px 0px 17px; max-width:100%; padding:0px; vertical-align:middle" />&nbsp;<br /><img alt="" src="" style="border:0px; box-sizing:border-box; font-family:inherit; font-stretch:inherit; font-style:inherit; font-variant:inherit; font-weight:inherit; height:auto; line-height:inherit; margin:4px 0px 17px; max-width:100%; padding:0px; vertical-align:middle" /></strong></strong></strong><br /><br /><br /><strong>-Sản phẩm Bondo USA ( Restore Black ) chuy&ecirc;n d&ugrave;ng để phục hồi phần nhựa đen sần đ&atilde; bị bạc m&agrave;u, l&atilde;o h&oacute;a- mốc trắng do c&aacute;c nh&acirc;n tố b&ecirc;n ngo&agrave;i t&aacute;c động<br />-Thực hiện nhanh ch&oacute;ng v&agrave; hiệu quả, kh&ocirc;ng cần th&aacute;o gỡ chi tiết nhựa ( đối với những chi tiết nhựa bị l&atilde;o ho&aacute;, mốc trắng th&igrave; chỉ cần đ&aacute;nh sạch lớp bề mặt l&agrave; c&oacute; thể tiến h&agrave;nh phục hồi )<br />-M&agrave;u đen thấm s&acirc;u, nhanh kh&ocirc; ( sau 10 ph&uacute;t,ho&agrave;n to&agrave;n ổn định sau 24h ) kh&ocirc;ng bị bong tr&oacute;c&nbsp;</strong><br /><strong><img alt="" src="" style="border:0px; box-sizing:border-box; font-family:inherit; font-stretch:inherit; font-style:inherit; font-variant:inherit; font-weight:inherit; height:auto; line-height:inherit; margin:4px 0px 17px; max-width:100%; padding:0px; vertical-align:middle" /></strong><br /><strong>Thực tế:</strong><br /><strong><img alt="" src="" style="border:0px; box-sizing:border-box; font-family:inherit; font-stretch:inherit; font-style:inherit; font-variant:inherit; font-weight:inherit; height:auto; line-height:inherit; margin:4px 0px 17px; max-width:100%; padding:0px; vertical-align:middle" /></strong><br /><strong><img alt="" src="" style="border:0px; box-sizing:border-box; font-family:inherit; font-stretch:inherit; font-style:inherit; font-variant:inherit; font-weight:inherit; height:auto; line-height:inherit; margin:4px 0px 17px; max-width:100%; padding:0px; vertical-align:middle" /></strong><br /><strong><img alt="" src="" style="border:0px; box-sizing:border-box; font-family:inherit; font-stretch:inherit; font-style:inherit; font-variant:inherit; font-weight:inherit; height:auto; line-height:inherit; margin:4px 0px 17px; max-width:100%; padding:0px; vertical-align:middle" /></strong><br /><strong><img alt="" src="" style="border:0px; box-sizing:border-box; font-family:inherit; font-stretch:inherit; font-style:inherit; font-variant:inherit; font-weight:inherit; height:auto; line-height:inherit; margin:4px 0px 17px; max-width:100%; padding:0px; vertical-align:middle" /></strong><br /><strong><img alt="" src="" style="border:0px; box-sizing:border-box; font-family:inherit; font-stretch:inherit; font-style:inherit; font-variant:inherit; font-weight:inherit; height:auto; line-height:inherit; margin:4px 0px 17px; max-width:100%; padding:0px; vertical-align:middle" /></strong><br /><strong><img alt="" src="" style="border:0px; box-sizing:border-box; font-family:inherit; font-stretch:inherit; font-style:inherit; font-variant:inherit; font-weight:inherit; height:auto; line-height:inherit; margin:4px 0px 17px; max-width:100%; padding:0px; vertical-align:middle" /></strong><br /><strong><img alt="" src="" style="border:0px; box-sizing:border-box; font-family:inherit; font-stretch:inherit; font-style:inherit; font-variant:inherit; font-weight:inherit; height:auto; line-height:inherit; margin:4px 0px 17px; max-width:100%; padding:0px; vertical-align:middle" /></strong><br /><br /><strong>Đ&aacute;nh gi&aacute;:&nbsp;</strong><br />Bondo&#39;s Restore black WOW!<br />I used this on my Chevy Avalanche for all of the faded (used to be black) body armor. I was completey happy with the results (really a dark black). I had tried many different things in the past with little or no results. This makes my 2004 Avalanche look almost new again! BTW it has been several weeks and the armor still looks as dark as the day it was applied. My thanks go out to the Bondo product group. Well Done!<br />tham khảo:&nbsp;<br /><a href=";*Version*=1&amp;*entries*=0" style="box-sizing: border-box; margin: 0px; padding: 0px; border: 0px; font-family: inherit; font-style: inherit; font-variant: inherit; font-weight: inherit; font-stretch: inherit; line-height: inherit; vertical-align: baseline; color: rgb(119, 119, 119); text-decoration: none;" target="_blank">;*entries*=0</a><br /><br /><br />Bondo&reg; Restore Black puts the black luster back into your tires, trim, bumpers and bed liner for up to six months! With an easy applicator, Bondo&reg; Restore Black soaks right into the surface and won`t leave a greasy finish.<br /><br /><br /><br />&nbsp;</p><ul> <li>Professionally restore the black color in minutes while protecting against damage caused by environmental elements and exposure. Restore Black includes everything you need to make a fast, easy and professional looking repair! Rich Black Finish.</li> <li>Protects Against Fading.</li> <li>Lasts up to 6 Months! Easy to Apply.</li> <li>Environmentally Safe. Cleans up with soap and water.</li></ul><p>&nbsp;</p><div style="box-sizing: border-box; margin: 0px; padding: 0px; border: 0px; font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-stretch: inherit; line-height: 18px; vertical-align: baseline; color: rgb(119, 119, 119);">&nbsp;</div><p><br /><br />&nbsp;</p><div style="box-sizing: border-box; margin: 0px; padding: 0px; border: 0px; font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-stretch: inherit; line-height: 18px; vertical-align: baseline; color: rgb(119, 119, 119);"><img alt="" src="" style="border:0px; box-sizing:border-box; font-family:inherit; font-stretch:inherit; font-style:inherit; font-variant:inherit; font-weight:inherit; height:auto; line-height:inherit; margin:4px 0px 17px; max-width:100%; padding:0px; vertical-align:middle" /><br />&nbsp;</div><p><strong>3M Bondo Restore Black - 8 oz.</strong><br /><br />Bondo&reg; Restore Black puts the black luster back into your tires, trim, bumpers and bed liner for up to 6 months! With an easy applicator, Bondo&reg; Restore Black soaks right into the surface and won&#39;t leave a greasy finish. Professionally restore the black color in minutes while protecting against damage caused by environmental elements and exposure. Restore Black includes everything you need to make a fast, easy and professional looking repair! Cleans up with soap and water.</p><ul> <li>Puts the black luster back into your tires, trim, bumpers and bed liner for up to 6 months!</li> <li>No greasy finish</li> <li>Long lasting</li> <li>Easy-to-use</li></ul><p><br /><strong>Whats Included</strong><br /><br />Restore Black 8 oz. bottle with applicator pad<br /><br />3M Company, together with subsidiaries, operates as a diversified technology company worldwide. The company&rsquo;s Industrial and Transportation segment offers tapes, coated and non-woven abrasives, adhesives, specialty materials, filtration products, energy control products, closure systems for personal hygiene products, acoustic systems products, and components and products that are used in the manufacture, repair, and maintenance of automotive, marine, aircraft, and specialty vehicles.<strong><img alt="" src="" style="border:0px; box-sizing:border-box; font-family:inherit; font-stretch:inherit; font-style:inherit; font-variant:inherit; font-weight:inherit; height:auto; line-height:inherit; margin:4px 0px 17px; max-width:100%; padding:0px; vertical-align:middle" /></strong></p>